Saturday, January 12, 2013

Consumed with Cupcakes

Hi, my name is Kimberly and I am a cupcake-aholic. At least, lately I have been. I can't seem to quit making cupcakes. I really don't do the cutesy cupcakes; I like the tasty ones. In the past 72 hours alone I have made two rounds of Chocolate Surprise Cupcakes, Key West cupcakes, Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes and I am currently working on some cupcakes for a birthday party for a friend. If I had a bakery, it might be understandable that I am consumed with cupcakes, but I am just an average stay-at-home-mom-who-is-never-home type of a girl. I shuttle my kids to soccer, I volunteer and substitute teach at their school, the cupcakes are really just a hobby. Several people have asked for some recipes, or where I get my cupcake ideas. One precious lady told me it was quick and easy to just blog about my cupcake adventures. So here I am sharing with whomever cares to look, my love of cupcakes.

Chocolate Surprise Cupcakes
Once I get a little more accustomed to this way of communication, I will post my recipes. For now, I will post a picture of my husband's favorite. This is my Chocolate Surprise cupcake. Basically, it is a chocolate cake mix with a chocolate ganache whipped frosting and a lovely little cream filling.

I will be totally honest about my recipes, a lot of what I do, is start with a cake mix and then put it together my way. When you can buy a cake mix for $1 and it has your flour, sugar and other ingredients measured out for you, I say take the help when you can get it. I find some ideas on Pinterest, and then I run with it and make it my own. Sometimes, I will get a "hankering" for something and I will Google a recipe which generally takes me to excellent source of information.

Since I don't really know how long these blog posts are supposed to be, I will just stop here. Thanks for reading my post. If someone has a cupcake idea they would like me experiment with, or wants a specific recipe that they know I have made, let me know and I will try to get those on first.

1 comment:

  1. Blogging is fun. I agree with you about taste vs looks. I am much more into food that tastes good. Most of those 'fancy' cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc don't ever taste good. I want simple stuff that tastes divine! still make your Reese's peanut butter cookies a couple times a year, one of my faves!
